Bout of Book 13
May 11 to May 17
Hosted at it's own blog, here
for more information, click here
Twitter: @boutofbooks
The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, May 11th and runs through Sunday, May 17th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 13 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team
I've got lots of off-line stuff happening this week but I still hope to read 800 pages.
Monday -
finished What Matters Most before bed, doesn't count :-(
started: Ex's & O's by Bailey Bradford (60% finished)
Tuesday -
still reading Ex's & O's at midnight . . . finished before going to bed
started A Bit of Me by Bailey Bradford . . . all part of the same series ;-) (57% finished)
Wednesday -
still reading A Bit of Me at midnight . . . finished
started Hold Me by Susan Mallery (page 29)
started A Bit of You by Bailey Bradford (17%)
Thursday -
still reading Hold Me (page 277) and A Bit of You (25%)
nothing finished, real life (and FB) is interfering with my reading ;-)
Friday -
still reading Hold Me at midnight . . . finished before going to bed
still reading A Bit of You
started/finished Christmas Tree Magic by Amber Kell
started Sheriff Found by Joyee Flynn (60%?)
Saturday -
still reading Sheriff Found by Joyee Flynn at midnight . . . finished before going to bed
still reading A Bit of You by Bailey Bradford (32%)
spent way too much time online plus we went shopping! (we got new furniture)
Sunday -
still reading A Bit of You . . . wow, I really must not be into this one! :-(
started Amethyst by Lauren Royal
started Forgotten Sins by Rebecca Zanetti
and at Midnight . . .
a Bit of You by Bailey Bradford ~ 33%
Amethyst by Lauren Royal ~ page 152
Forgotten Sins by Rebecca Zanetti ~ page 17
The Billboard Music Awards show was nice, should have been reading but I just couldn't get comfortable. I really hope the new furniture will be as comfortable to read in at home as it was at the store.
~ Goal: 800 pages ~
finished books: 205+333+377+21+149= 1,085 pages read
~ Books Read ~
1. Ex's and O's by Bailey Bradford - book info 2. A Bit of Me by Bailey Bradford - book info
3. Hold Me by Susan Mallery - chapter one
4. Christmas Tree Magic by Amber Kell - book info
5. Sheriff Found by Joyee Flynn - book info
Monday's Challenge (late)
Bookish Survey at Writing My Own Fairy Tale
The Questions:
1. How do you organize your shelves?
. . . Right now they're a mess and a lot are boxed up in storage. Eventually I'll get the two bedrooms redone and I'll be able to separate them by reading level then genre, except for some authors (for example, all of Anne/Todd McCaffrey's books will be together). I'd like to have a spot just for Christmas books.
2. What is one of your favorite book that’s not in one of your favorite genres?
. . . a favorite book? Not sure I can narrow it down to just one.
3. What is the last 5 star book you read?
. . . Red by Michael Hall was an awesome picture book that has a deep meaning for everyone but I'm going to have to go with A Circle of Souls by Preetham Grandhi. This one scared the heck out of me even reading it again a year later!
4. What book are you most excited to read during the read-a-thon?
. . . I don't have a set list of books to read, wait a minute, Hold Me by Susan Mallery or Forgotten Sins by Rebecca Zanetti are both sitting by my reading chair. Still not sure if I'll get to them this week.
5. What book do you recommend the most?
. . . there are a couple. Mistaken Identity by Don & Susie Van Ryn and Newell, Colleen & Whitney Cerak with Mark Tabb (review) and There's No Such Thing as a Dragon by Jack Kent (review) which is a picture book with a great message.
Saturday's Challenge (late)
Favorite Read Photo at Once Upon a Chapter
I'm going to go with Hold Me for two reasons. It's Susan Mallery and Fool's Gold!
There are two more books coming soon in this series, Kiss Me in June and Thrill Me in July ~ happy dance~
copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2015
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