Contents of blog copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2023
I've been gone a while. I started reading fanfiction to escape and I got sucked in an abyss.

I have no idea if someone else is hosting similar challenges. I just grabbed some of what I have hosted before.

Here's to a happy year of great reading
Jan2023: Not much has changed. Writing a fanfiction now O_o as well as reading but I bought 7 new books in December and hope to get those read soon. Crossing fingers about adding challenges (late!)

Saturday, November 1, 2014

You Read How Many Books? 2015 sign ups

You Read How Many Books?
Reading Challenge

This year's host is Gina @ Book Dragon's Lair (that's me!)
The 150+ reading challenge has been hosted by Amy at My Overstuffed Bookshelf and when I didn't see it for last year I asked if I could host. I've got it again for 2015. I made changes again :-)

DETAILS/RULES with Changes:
  1. Read, read, read!
  2. There are several levels to choose from
    Level 1: 100 minimum
    Level 2: 150
    Level 3: 200
    Level 4: 250 or more
  3. You may move up a level but not down
  4. You don't need a blog to participate. As long as wherever you link to is public so we can check out your books read.
  5. Reviews are not necessary but a list of books read is.  There will be a post in January so you can link up if you review (I may do quarterly) - click here
  6. No need to list your books in advance. You may select books as you go. Even if you list them now, you can change the list if needed.
  7. Books allowed: Audio, Re-reads, eBooks, YA, Manga, Graphic Novels, Library books, Novellas, Young Reader, picture books, Nonfiction – as long as the book has an ISBN or equivalent or can be purchased/borrowed as such, the book counts.  
  8. Individual short stories in a collection or individual books in the Bible do not count
  9. Crossovers from other reading challenges count - they'd have too!
  10. Challenge begins January 1st, 2015 thru December 31, 2015. Books started before the 1st do not count. You can join at anytime.
  11. Please sign up with a direct link so the rest of us can find your list of books read.
Sign up here:

copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2014


Denise said...

I really wish challenges were based on pages read rather than titles read, but I will sign up for 150 books in 2015.

Lois Tinúviel said...

Thanks for hosting this! I'm excited for this challenge! :)

Book Dragon said...

Denise - GoodReads has (had?) a One Million Pages Read challenge going on.

I could totally get behind a "how many pages did you read" kind of challenge.

Lois - You're welcome!

Bev Hankins said... it time to sign up for 2015 challenges already? Where does the time go? I am in again--I'll be getting a post up and ready soon.

Helen - Fennell Books said...

How exciting, I have never done something like this. I'll aim for 100 and blog along the way at :)

KaKiJoKoJa said...

I just came across this a few days ago and knew I'd sign up. I always do the GR challenge for 150+ so it'll be nice to connect with others who read as much, or more, than I do!! :) I'll start out at level 3, but will likely hit 4. I've linked to my signup post.

Unknown said...

Thanks to The Book Vixen for pointing me in the direction of these challenges. I'm looking forward to getting started.

jmisgro said...

I am in again, Gina!!

Sara said...

Just started a blog to keep track of my challenges and readathons-this is a great challenge to kick things off :D

Casey @ She's All Booked said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

So glad I found this - thanks for hosting! Can't wait!

Jane said...

Glad to see you are hosting again! Thanks!

Gloria G said...

Signing up for the 150 book level, but probably will step it up to the next level, if I stay consistent.......

Dollycas said...

I am linking to my Challenges page on my blog and will have a 2015 Reading shelf on GoodReads to keep track of my books again this year.

Unknown said...

I'm linking to my Goodreads reading shelf for this challenge.

Elsi said...

The linky points to the blog entry where I state my intention to participate in the challenge and the level that I'm selecting (Level 2, 200 books). I haven't created a page to keep up with my challenge progress. I'll have to add that via the linky later on.

Thanks for hosting.

Whitney said...

I've been failing this year having read 54 out of my proposed 100 but I'm going to try again in 2015. Thanks for hosting!

Anonymous said...

I'm starting at 100, I didn't reach 150 this year, so keeping it real!

Helena @ The Life of a BookNerd Addict said...

YAY! I'm so excited for this challenge. Can't wait to get started.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun!

booklife4life said...

I'm attempting level 2 150 books :]

May the odds be ever in your favor this coming year :]

Rummanah Aasi said...

Thanks for hosting! I didn't make my goal for 2014, but I'm going to try again for 2015.

Gloria G said...

Have started with 1 book--go to my link page to see the title under the Goodreads 2015 Challenge.....

Bev Hankins said...

Two done! Titles (with review links) at my original sign up post.

Unknown said...

I need to delete my original sign up. The URL is wrong. Sorry!!

Anonymous said...

Just found this, a little late to the party but I've signed up for level one (my goal for the year is 104 books, two per week).

Donnisha said...

I am going for 100 books but will probably do more

Andrea Stoeckel said...

I just saw this challenge via DollyCas...Definately 2016


In accordance to the FTC guidelines, I must state that I make no monetary gains from my reviews or endorsements here on Book Dragon's Lair. All books I review are either borrowed, purchased by me, given as a gift, won in some kind of contest, or received in exchange for an honest review.