Dewey's 24 Hour Read-a-thon
My official start time was 5 a.m. and if I had remembered which weekend I would have stayed up for another hour to get done toward the challenge. sighLet's see what kind of trouble I can get in starting 8 1/2 hours late. I'm just glad that was sleep time and not movie time ;-)
blog - twitter:
~*~ My GOALS ~*~
Read an I, Q or X book? no.Read at least one library book? no.
Visit at least five other blogs?. yes
Do 2-5 challenges? no
read 800 pages? no
~*~ Books to pick from ~*~
Cover Your Eyes by Mary Burton
In Mint Condition - 2013 (short stories)
Quilt or Innocence by Elizabeth Craig
one of 12 fiction library books
Kiss of Fate by Deborah Cooke
Furies of Calderon by Jim Burcher
Nightmares Can be Murder by Mary Kennedy
~*~ Books Reading ~*~
The Christmas Wedding Ring by Susan Mallery - starting on page 226
What's His Passion? anthology - need to read one more story
Just Like Heaven by Julia Quinn - start on page 218
All I Want for Christmas... anthology - start at beginning
~*~ Books Read ~*~
The Christmas Wedding Ring by Susan MalleryWhat's His Passion? anthology
Just Like Heaven by Julia Quinn
~*~ Pages Read: 337 ~*~
The Christmas Wedding Ring by Susan Mallery . . . 105 (partially read but finished)What's His Passion? anthology . . . 56 (partially read but finished)
Just Like Heaven by Julia Quinn . . . 156 (partially read but finished)
All I Want for Christmas... anthology . . . 20 (partially read, unfinished)
~*~ Visited, but did I comment? ~*~
everything distils into reading, yesJenn's Bookshelves, no
The Relentless Reader, no
We Be Reading, no
Borough of Books, yes
Must Read Faster, yes
~*~ Challenges? ~*~
copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2014
5:00 AM?????? Wow, I am impressed! I'm a morning person, but I'm still not sure I could coherently read anything before 6:00 AM.........
I like your layout for the updates. I may have to steal a couple of ideas for next time. ;)
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