Library Books
Reading Challenge
hosted by Gina at Book Dragon's Lair
Sign- up here
Our love of reading can be expensive! Not only are we purchasing books but we also need space to keep them. I've started using the library (again) but couldn't find a challenge to help me. Here it is. There are a number of levels, for those who don't have a library card yet to those that live there. Enjoy!
- choose a level - you may move up as needed, just not down.
- check books out of the library
- books may overlap with other challenges
- any format allowed (print, ebook, audio)
- reviews are not necessary but a list of books read is. (post with review linky)
- a blog is not necessary, just comment that you want to join in
- board book - 3
- picture book - 6
- early reader - 9
- chapter book - 12
- middle grades - 18
- Young adult - 24
- adult - 36
- just insert IV - 50
copyright Book Dragon's Lair 2009-2012
Looks like fun! I'm in!
I'm not doing any challenges next year, except for 100 books in a year challenge, maybe, but this challenge does sound good. Have fun!
Going to jump on the bandwagon here :)
Hi, I just signed up. This would be just right. I get most f my books from the library.
I'm in! I'm playing it safe and signing up for the lowest level, but I'm sure that will be exceeded.
Is it Ok to change your level? I'm pretty sure I can make it to 50 or more.
This is going to be great! Glad I found your challenge.
Leigh Anne
I will gladly join this
Thanks for hosting!
Great challenge--I'm in for an IV.
Looks like fun I will be in for the adult because I do want to read some books I own this year.
Love this challenge because it helps support the library. Thanks for hosting!
Looks great - can't wait to see how many I get.
My tracking page is: http://scoutmomskfva.blogspot.com/p/library-books-reading-challenge.html
Definitely joining this challenge! Here's the link to my challenge post:
This is MY kind of challenge! Last year I read close to 70 library books. Can't wait to get started!!
Thanks for hosting!
Really glad you picked this one up. The old Library challenge I did last year disappeared and I just did have the time to pick it up myself. I would have really missed it.
Glad you're hosting this challenge! Thanks!
Great idea for a challenge! I'm off to the library to pick up a book that's on hold!
Awesome, thanks for hosting!
I did something similar last year but I hadn't found anyone else this year so am so glad I came across yours. :D
Looking forward to this! I'm going to take each level as it comes but I'm sure I'll make it to at least my goal of Chapter Book (12 books).
I applaud anything that supports libraries! A great idea!
So excited! I love my library! Thank you for hosting!
Great challenge. We are weekly visitors to our library so this is the perfect challenge for me to participate in.
Love this challenge! I'm going all the way to the top, and read many books as can get from the library.
Very interesting challenge! I'm playing with "picture book" level! :)
This is one way of ensuring I will use the Library card. So thanks for the idea its going to be fun.
I'm new to book blogging but hope to read 50 books this year. I'll aim for the young adult level! This could be fun :)
Question: If I sign up now, should I start counting books from now or can I count all library books since Jan 1, 2013? (I'm going to sign up either way...just want to count correctly.)
Good question Bev, sorry it wasn't clear.
All books, checked out of the library and finished, count...IF it happened during 2013.
reserved during 2012 for a 2013 check out still counts if you read it this year.
clear as mud?
Looks great I'm up for this and have blogged about it already.
Thanks for hosting this! Fits perfectly with the fact that I try to get books from the library before going out to buy. Unfortunately, we live in a small town with a small library...thank goodness for amazon!?!
Very interesting, I'm playing with "Young Adult" level, and I'm the number 66.
One of my favorite challenges year after year. Being conservative by starting at Adult level, but will probably end up inserting that IV. Thanks for hosting. :D
So excited! I'm going for adult level- 36 books!
Beth @ Free Spirit Books
Great challenge! There isn't much in this world better than a free book. :)
Joining this challenge late in the game, but excited for it:D I'm an adult, so 37 books for me. I love libraries and think this challenge is perfect. I cannot purchase all the books I read and I am a big library supporter!
Just started blogging and found this challenge. I'm excited and can't wait!
Loving this... just signed up and listed all of the books Ive borrowed from library since January! :)
Sorry to sign up for the challenge so many times. You can delete 25, 26, and 80 off the list if they let you do that.
I'm still on there. Thanks for doing that.
Finished my level! Here's my Wrap-up Post.
Mind if I join in late?
Considering of joining. Just a few questions. Is this only fiction? (for purposes of choosing levels) ... I tend to borrow lots of craft books from the library; skim read/look through projects ... maybe even do some. Can these be included?
@Lija Broka - not sure, I just assumed we'd be reading cover to cover but you're right, using the library for craft or cook books is a great idea. How about if you do a project, you can count the book?
I just passed the "Adult" level! Now, I'm working my way toward having a library IV inserted. :P
I have passed over the "just insert IV" level and am still going. =D
I’ve completed the challenge!
I would like to inform you that I'll host the second edition of the "Women Challenge".
You can find all the information about it here:
Hope to see you as a participant! ^_^
Thanks again.
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