Annastaysia Savage
Publisher: JournalStone
Release Date: April 8, 2011
format: electronic
pages: 186
Ages: Young Adult
genre: paranormal
Review book: I received this book through LibraryThing's Member Giveaways in exchange for an honest review.
From the Publisher:
Enduring the teasing and ridicule of her school mates, Sadie struggles through life as a pre-teen on the eve of her 13th birthday. Three years ago, a car crash took her mother, but Sadie never saw her body. She refuses to believe her mother is really gone. Holding fast to that feeling earns her the nickname “Crazy Sadie.”Despite her one wish to be normal, Sadie only finds solace with a small group of unusual characters. These unlikely friends give her a “semi-normal” life outside of school in a bookstore where strange and mystical things seem to happen. In fact, if Sadie entertains her deepest suspicions, her friends are a little mystical.
When her birthday arrives however, Sadie finds herself whisked into a magical world that swirls just under the surface of normal, everyday life. Not only does she learn she’ll soon become a witch, but she also discovers she must battle The Syndicate to save her new world.
Faced with fantastical encounters, unexplainable transformations, and startling fears, Sadie struggles against an unknown evil – all while searching for her real identity.
As if being 12 going on 13 isn't bad enough, Sadie has lost her mother and the Bullies at school are horrid about it! Good thing Mrs. Felis and Grimm are there with their bookstore.
My html copy was missing the graphics but they were included in the pdf and while they weren't "wow" quality, they were very good and added just the right touch to the reading experience.
Ms. Savage has a way with words, drawing you in and holding you in a tight grip. So much so that my heart started beating faster while Sadie ran for safety and when something was described as "stinky", the words were strong enough that I crinkled my nose.
I had errands to run in the middle of reading and as I was driving home, I was thinking about Sadie! Wondered what was coming up next and while I was sure there'd be a happy ending I just wasn't seeing it from where she was.
Great story, good vs evil, with lovable characters. Also characters you love to hate and some you're just not to sure off.
Available in print at Barnes&Noble and at the publisher.
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