Falling into the Sun
Charrie Hazard
Publisher: Spoonbill Cove Press
Release Date: July 15, 2009
format: Trade paperback
pages: 363
from the publisher
In Falling into the Sun, Kate Nardek's life is forever changed the day she stumbles upon a neighbor's gruesome suicide. Haunted afterward by his dark presence, she realizes it's time to seek psychological help for her teenage son's increasingly violent behavior before he meets the same fate. In her quest to conquer his demons, Kate must also confront her dream-stifling self-criticism, a legacy of her father's alcoholism, and trust in the joyful, creative, compassionate energy that infuses all things. An uplifting and poetically-written story combining elements of spirituality, philosophy, psychology and family dynamics, Falling into the Sun is a personal work based in part on the author's own experiences.
My thoughts
I knew going in that the author really did discover her neighbor's suicide, that she really was dealing with "her young son's increasingly violent outbursts" and that the book was "loosely based on this life-altering experience". It doesn't make it any easier to read. Maybe it's because mental illness run in my family?
There are 56 chapters in the book and I'm only on 16. It has taken me over a week to get this far so consider this a progress report instead of a review.
I don't know whether to hug Kate or shake her. Her husband needs to be slapped upside the head and shown some reality. The girls need hugs and a safe place to hide. And the son? sigh. Josh needs understanding, tough love and medication. So far Kate is worried about him but Josh is a danger to her and the girls. If things don't change from where they are now, he'll end up in Juvie. I just hope he doesn't kill someone first.
I'm at the point where she has made the appointment with a psychologist but hasn't gone yet. I can only read a chapter or two at a time so it will take a while to finish the book.
1 comment:
I love your progress report on this book. I have it on my shelf, so I'll be watching as you post about it.
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